Thursday, March 11, 2010


So here I am. Husband started a blog a little while ago about his fitness and running, and suggested I start my own. I didn't really think I had anything interesting to write about. But thought maybe writing about the day to day life of a Mum of 2 girls with depression might be a start!
With daughter number 1 I had terrible Post Natal Depression (PND) but didn't know it at the time, I just thought I was a terrible Mum that didn't want her baby.
So when daughter number 2 came along, I was very prepared for PND to hit hard, but it hasn't been that bad at all. I still deal with depression on an every day basis, some days are worse than others. Most frustrating of all.....just when I think it has gone forever......I will have a shocking few days that ruin all the gains I feel I have made.
I am on 20mg Citelopram a day and am in regular contact with Maternity Mental Health which has made a big difference.
I look forward to meeting many more Mum's going through no doubt exactly the same every day hurdles.

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